3 Lifestyle Habits That Might Help You Prevent Vein Problems Progression
There are many answers on how to prevent vein problems, and so often, there is also the question of why one may suffer from them: age, gender, genetics, etc. But the one that is constant in a large percentage of patients is an unhealthy lifestyle. Patients can often help prevent vein problems like varicose and spider veins and slow the progression of existing issues with healthier habits. Keep in mind that a healthy lifestyle is what we recommend to anybody in general terms, not only to prevent vein problems, but it does not mean that it will cure or stop someone from developing vein diseases.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency, also called varicose veins or vein disease is very common and affects around 30% of adults over 30 years of age in the US. Symptoms include legs that feel tired, heavy, or achy at the end of the day. Other symptoms include leg swelling, an itchy feeling, or sometimes a burning sensation in the legs or feet. Since Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is progressive, seeking healthy habits can help slow this disease’s progression.
According to experts at Healthnews.com,It’s impossible to know when or if you’ll face vein problems, but it’s not too late to start implementing healthier habits to help you deal with the progression of vein issues.
Here are 3 lifestyle changes that can help you prevent vein problems progression:
1. Physical activities are not only for your mind but also for your body:
Exercise. We know this advice can come as obvious, especially when it’s the number one doctor’s recommendation in most cases. Nevertheless, it’s essential to know that exercising doesn’t have to be a demanding and intense task. Try to look at exercise as something you’re doing for yourself, a way to get away from the day’s routine and clear your mind. Think of it as time for yourself or to share with a partner to prioritize your health.
No matter your age, you can do physical activity, even walking around your neighborhood or visiting the local park. Many studies prove that nature significantly impacts energy levels and positive mental health. If the weather doesn’t permit it, or if you are concerned about safety, walk laps around your local Mall! The point is to keep your body moving so your heart pumps, and your blood flows throughout your vascular system.
If you have the time and stamina, doing more intense workouts is always great. Joining a local gym, taking aerobics classes, or joining a tennis team with some friends will keep the blood flowing. Choose activities that are attractive to you to take your mind off the chore side of exercise and focus more on the entertainment aspect.
Exercise is a simple and cost-effective option to slow varicose veins progression!
2. Modify Your Workplace Routine to Prevent Vein Problems!
As a result of COVID-19, many Americans now work from home. You’re probably not walking as much as you used to like when you went into an office. With virtual meeting software, you no longer have to leave your desk and go to another location, even just across the hall, to meet with someone.
Sitting in your home office desk chair for long periods is one of the worst things you can do for your health. According to WebMD, sitting for extended periods without sufficient physical activity increases the risk of medical issues, vein problems, and much more. Most people these days are sitting for more than 8 hours in one workday, so try to move around more!
Realistically, this isn’t easy when you’re at work and focusing on tasks. An easy suggestion is for every 1 hour of sitting, you take a 2 – 3 minute break to stand, stretch your body, and walk somewhere, even if it’s just to the restroom or to get a drink of water. Standing and flexing your calf muscles also help the circulation and blood flow within your venous system. Although it would be ideal for your health, you don’t need to run or jump to get the blood circulating; you can save those activities for your lunch break or your time outside of work.
3. The Type of Shoes You Wear Matters:
Usually, your shoes don’t significantly impact your health, but years of working in high heels or constantly wearing tight shoes come with a price, and your veins pay for it.
What are the ideal shoes and clothes for varicose and spider veins?
A more comfortable and professional choice of footwear reduced the risk of developing vein conditions. It can also relieve pain for varicose veins if you already have them by allowing your legs to get a proper blood supply. Avoid narrow or pointed shoes; this puts pressure on the foot and can restrict blood circulation. Find shoes that are comfortable and professional.
According to the Women’s Health Center, compression stockings help increase blood flow from your legs. Compression socks help slow venous disease progression and also help alleviate symptoms.
These three easy lifestyle hacks can help prevent varicose and spider veins or slow the progression of symptoms you may already have. Just remember, exercise more often, don’t sit for too long, and wear comfortable shoes.
If you have tired, heavy, achy legs or other symptoms such as burning or itchy legs, these are classic varicose vein symptoms. The visible effects of vein disease include leg swelling, large bulging veins (also known as varicosities), pigmentation, and skin changes. Sometimes, there are no visual effects as the varicose veins are internal and deeper beneath the skin.
If you need vein treatment, we are here to help you. Please schedule an appointment at one of our locations to consult one of our medical professionals for a FREE consultation!